
Do Auctioneers Furnish Sound Systems?

The size of the event, the number of attendees and the length of the event are important factors to consider when evaluating sound system needs for an auction.
When hiring an auctioneer to conduct a live auction, you might wonder who sets everything up. Of special importance for a live auction is the question, does the auctioneer furnish the sound system? The short answer is yes. Live auctioneers typically own or can provide sound systems for an auction event. The size of the event, the number of attendees and the length of the event are important factors to consider when evaluating sound system needs for an auction. While many auctioneers have sound systems, often you are well served to have professional help.
The more important question is, what type of sound system does your event need to be successful? There are 5 important questions to answer when it comes to sound at an auction:
  1. Size of the venue. How many square feet are you trying to cover? Is the event indoors, outside or in a transitional space?
  2. What materials will sound be reverberating off of? A metal building will sound very different from a drywall and wood structure. Outside, natural elements will give a different sound than interior walls and ceiling.
  3. What is the number of people you expect to attendance? People affect not only the reverberation but also the amount of ambient noise.
  4. How long will you need the sound system? Short auctions might allow you to get away with simpler sound systems but a longer event will often mean more in-depth and quality sound.
  5. How many microphones are needed and who all will be speaking? The requirements for a single auctioneer varies greatly from an event with many different speakers and voices, or if music is involved.
Depending on the size of the event and auction it may be necessary to hire a qualified sound engineer or technician. If you invest in a professional auctioneer, you may need to also invest in a professional sound.
For real estate and personal property auctions, auctioneers will typically have that covered with their sound system. For large scale benefit auctions and galas, as well as high-profile events, professional sound systems are more typically employed. A professional auctioneer will help guide you if needed when it comes to getting the right system or equipment for your auction.
Bonus tip: Most house systems in hotel ball rooms or event centers are poor and unreliable. If you want the sound that sells always hire professionals.
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